Monday 13 February 2012

Social Secretary Manifestos

1.      Name: Anisha Mathur
Position: Social Secretary
I am running for the position of Social Secretary. I feel that this is the most accurate position for me to run for, because its roles seem to match my personality and characteristics the best. I’m an approachable, friendly, and hard-working person, who will go to lengths to deliver what I’ve signed up to do. According to me, I’m easy to talk to, and do tend to strike up conversation with people with little effort, thus fulfilling the ‘social’ criteria.

I understand how much time and effort will take place to help lead one of the growing societies in our university, but having worked with the Asian Society for the past 4 months, I think that I will greatly enjoy helping out with the planning and organizing of events. I’m creative and organized, and when it comes to planning a night out or a big event, I feel that it just comes naturally to me.
Finally, I’m in my first year right now, and know how it is like coming to university from an entirely different country, and feel that this personal experience will allow me to create the fun, and friendly environment needed by next years’ freshers, along with all of us as well. I hope that you all are convinced that I’m a suitable candidate for this position, and will help me provide you with the events YOU want from your Asian Society.
2.     Name: Kabir Munjal
Position: Social Secretary
I am Kabir Munjal and I am standing for the position of Social Secretary for the ASoc 2012/13.

I am standing for the elections for the simple reason that I want to be part of something that can make a difference to students while they’re at University, whether it be through parties or through trips around the country. Since I have been exposed to Asians more than people from other countries, I think I have a good understanding of their tastes and preferences thus it will be easier for me to help organizing activities that will suit them.

As explained by last year’s committee members, a Social Secretary is someone like a Marketing Manager. And I believe I am a dedicated and creative person who will reach out and help the Asoc become a more well-known and popular society. Being an INTO student, I will try to improve on the number of South East Asian members so as to make Asoc a more multi -cultural society. May it be from making flyers to sign-ups, I am willing to contribute to the society in any way required.

3.      Name: Jinay Savla
Position: Social Secretary

 Belonging to a country that has been rich in cultural and social events, I have always been keen in knowing people hailing from different countries and understanding their cultures. Oh yes, the country is India.

Being an extrovert, I love meeting people and arranging social events. I have been an active member for three years in a medical camp that is held in India (Gujarat), whereby I had to communicate with the residents, make them aware of their health problems, and interact with doctors and the management team to set up various medical camps. Being a part of the marketing team that was in charge of organising my college festival, Kshitij, I had to meet college students all over the city and introduce them to our college festival, whilst also interacting with company managers, shopkeepers, NGOs etc. to seek sponsorship.

I have worked with my father for nearly three years, which gave me the opportunity to interact with different personalities, handle clients and suppliers, manage team meetings, learn leadership qualities, and develop self-confidence. Therefore, I see myself well placed in the role of leading the social group.

I would like to take this as an opportunity to bring a change to our university and add value to the student life. I would also want to make students realise that there is something more than mere academics in life that helps in polishing our personality, thus developing an interest amongst students in social activities conducted by our university.

As far as I know myself, I am dedicated and committed to my work. I look forward to take up this role and give it my best.

4.      Name: Anushka Shah
Position: Social Secretary

Hi, my name is Anushka Shah and I am a second year student studying Business and Management. I am running for the position of Social Secretary for Asian Society.
I am an active member of the society and I have a good understanding of how it functions. I believe that our days as University students go on to become a few of the best days of our lives. And if elected as Social Secretary, I will do my best to enrich this experience and ensure that your time in University is truly memorable. As a student, I know we are all just looking to have a good time and that is exactly my plan: to keep things fun and simple. Having worked for the society, I am extremely enthusiastic and motivated to take on a more active role. I believe that my approachable and hardworking nature make me a good candidate for this position.

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