Monday 13 February 2012

President and Vice President Manifestos

1.      Name: Sarika Runwal
Position: Vice President

When I first came to the UK, I was a shy introvert who barely spoke to people. The Exeter Asian Society gave me a chance to come out of my shell, giving me the confidence to meet people. Now I want to give back to the society. This is why I want to be your Vice President.

As VP, I promise to help you have the best experience you can. I will do this by:

1)     Increasing multi-religious participation: Right now, the Asian Society focuses largely on Hindu festivals like Diwali and Holi. I want to broaden this and start celebrating festivals like Eid and Baisakhi as well. I also wish for the society to be involved with the Exeter Mosque and Gurudwara.

2)     Increasing member participation: Every member, every voice is important. As VP, I will aim to ensure that there will be more member participation and take into consideration the ideas of all members. Efforts will be made to reach out to students who have just joined university and need that initial push.

3)     A charitable contribution: I want every event to contribute to the betterment of the Asian community. I wish to use a part of the Asian society income towards charitable funds.

But I don’t expect you to vote for me without knowing what I can bring to the Committee. I believe that my strengths are:

Ø  I am the publicity officer of the current committee and have gained the experience required to run the society.

Ø  A strong team player – I can follow instructions and also know how to delegate effectively and efficiently.

Ø  An experience in organising and coordinating teams for large events.

Ø  Headstrong and willing to fight for ideas that I believe will benefit people.

Ø  Along with a vice president comes a dedicated dance choreographer.

Thanks for reading and remember – A vote for Sarika is a vote for a more vibrant university experience.

2.      Name: Falon Saldanha
Position: Vice President
I would like to run for Vice – President of the Asian Society.  Having already served as Social Secretary last year and as Publicity Officer of International Society, I have a lot of experience in the field of dealing with members of a society, liaising with other societies and planning events. I am also extremely passionate about serving members of the Asian community, bringing about unity and promoting cultural integration on campus. It is my endeavor to enhance every member’s university experience with the best social events, religious celebrations and sporting events.
Having already served on the committee, I am well aware of the needs of the society and the places in need of improvement. Past experience on committees has also taught me how to work as part of a team, assign responsibility, delegate, co-operate and manage grievances.
I am also aware of the administrative work involved in holding events, as well as externally communicating with Heads of other societies and departments on campus. My natural flair for public speaking and work as Publicity Officer has prepared me well for this.
I am fully committed to the job I have decided to undertake and will strive to give of my best. Above all, I will lead the committee and society democratically, objectively, honestly and without bias. I am open to criticism and am willing to learn from mistakes. I look at this coming election as an opportunity for growth and hope that the election will be as enriching as the past year has been working with the members of Asian Society.
Name: Hoor Sheikh
Position: President
Asia, in itself, is a continent that exemplifies ‘Unity in Diversity’. This is my aim, to make the Asian Society bigger and better, a true representation of the diversity of Asia.

My name is Hoor Sheikh, and I would like to be the next Asian Society President.

On the previous committee, I was the publicity officer. This gave me invaluable insight into not only what the society does, but how it is run and what is necessary to make it a bigger success than it is today.

If you elect me as your President, here is what I will strive to achieve:

·         The Diwali celebrations this year set a high bar in terms of entertainment and attendance. I will aim to not only match, but make better next year’s Diwali.

·         Another of my aims is to create a more secular environment by being involved with community religious organisations like the Exeter Mosque to have a grand Eid celebration.

·        I will strive to better participation from both the Postgraduate and St Luke’s student bodies – ensure that they feel welcome and are involved with the society.

·         Make incoming first year students more aware that the Asian Society will be able to provide them with a taste of home by publicising the group on Facebook before the new academic year begins.

·         Collaborate with the International Society and the Asian Society of other Universities to come up with day trips and joint weekends – allowing students to meet others like them and forge new relationships.

All this I promise to do.

Elect me, and I’ll work for you.

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