Monday 13 February 2012

President and Vice President Manifestos

1.      Name: Sarika Runwal
Position: Vice President

When I first came to the UK, I was a shy introvert who barely spoke to people. The Exeter Asian Society gave me a chance to come out of my shell, giving me the confidence to meet people. Now I want to give back to the society. This is why I want to be your Vice President.

As VP, I promise to help you have the best experience you can. I will do this by:

1)     Increasing multi-religious participation: Right now, the Asian Society focuses largely on Hindu festivals like Diwali and Holi. I want to broaden this and start celebrating festivals like Eid and Baisakhi as well. I also wish for the society to be involved with the Exeter Mosque and Gurudwara.

2)     Increasing member participation: Every member, every voice is important. As VP, I will aim to ensure that there will be more member participation and take into consideration the ideas of all members. Efforts will be made to reach out to students who have just joined university and need that initial push.

3)     A charitable contribution: I want every event to contribute to the betterment of the Asian community. I wish to use a part of the Asian society income towards charitable funds.

But I don’t expect you to vote for me without knowing what I can bring to the Committee. I believe that my strengths are:

Ø  I am the publicity officer of the current committee and have gained the experience required to run the society.

Ø  A strong team player – I can follow instructions and also know how to delegate effectively and efficiently.

Ø  An experience in organising and coordinating teams for large events.

Ø  Headstrong and willing to fight for ideas that I believe will benefit people.

Ø  Along with a vice president comes a dedicated dance choreographer.

Thanks for reading and remember – A vote for Sarika is a vote for a more vibrant university experience.

2.      Name: Falon Saldanha
Position: Vice President
I would like to run for Vice – President of the Asian Society.  Having already served as Social Secretary last year and as Publicity Officer of International Society, I have a lot of experience in the field of dealing with members of a society, liaising with other societies and planning events. I am also extremely passionate about serving members of the Asian community, bringing about unity and promoting cultural integration on campus. It is my endeavor to enhance every member’s university experience with the best social events, religious celebrations and sporting events.
Having already served on the committee, I am well aware of the needs of the society and the places in need of improvement. Past experience on committees has also taught me how to work as part of a team, assign responsibility, delegate, co-operate and manage grievances.
I am also aware of the administrative work involved in holding events, as well as externally communicating with Heads of other societies and departments on campus. My natural flair for public speaking and work as Publicity Officer has prepared me well for this.
I am fully committed to the job I have decided to undertake and will strive to give of my best. Above all, I will lead the committee and society democratically, objectively, honestly and without bias. I am open to criticism and am willing to learn from mistakes. I look at this coming election as an opportunity for growth and hope that the election will be as enriching as the past year has been working with the members of Asian Society.
Name: Hoor Sheikh
Position: President
Asia, in itself, is a continent that exemplifies ‘Unity in Diversity’. This is my aim, to make the Asian Society bigger and better, a true representation of the diversity of Asia.

My name is Hoor Sheikh, and I would like to be the next Asian Society President.

On the previous committee, I was the publicity officer. This gave me invaluable insight into not only what the society does, but how it is run and what is necessary to make it a bigger success than it is today.

If you elect me as your President, here is what I will strive to achieve:

·         The Diwali celebrations this year set a high bar in terms of entertainment and attendance. I will aim to not only match, but make better next year’s Diwali.

·         Another of my aims is to create a more secular environment by being involved with community religious organisations like the Exeter Mosque to have a grand Eid celebration.

·        I will strive to better participation from both the Postgraduate and St Luke’s student bodies – ensure that they feel welcome and are involved with the society.

·         Make incoming first year students more aware that the Asian Society will be able to provide them with a taste of home by publicising the group on Facebook before the new academic year begins.

·         Collaborate with the International Society and the Asian Society of other Universities to come up with day trips and joint weekends – allowing students to meet others like them and forge new relationships.

All this I promise to do.

Elect me, and I’ll work for you.

General Secretary and Treasurer Manifestos

1.      Name: Shreya Jain
Position: General Secretary

My name is Shreya Jain and I am in my second year running for the post of General Secretary.
Before University in my secondary school, I was the Activities Co-ordinator where I had to organise large scale events such as the annual Indus Fest. It built my ability to manage people, take on responsibility and delegate tasks effectively. I was also able to listen to concerns and take advice. I have been in charge of many dance performances as well, where I had to ensure there was teamwork and cooperation. As for at the University, I participated in helping the Asian Soc to make Diya 2011 a successful event by assisting with the saree stall and putting up the decorations. Therefore, I do have experience working with intricate roles and meeting targets, to ensure the tasks involved have been carried out well. 
So, if I am elected as the General Secretary of the Asian Society, I will;
·         Effectively broadcast news and events to students via facebook or word of mouth

·         Update the mailing list regularly

·         Encourage participation from members

·         Organise and coordinate committee meetings and events.

·         Help the committee with anything, even out of my role specifics.

·         Be enthusiastic about every new idea and opportunity, and try to spread this within the society.

·         Be available to answer any queries at any time
I am more than willing to follow instructions and give my opinions, be dedicated in whatever is required of me. With my natural vivacious personality, I hope the members and committee see me fit for this post, as I will put all my efforts in the work to make it a reality and a success.
Thank youJ
    2.      Name: Atit Shah
Position: General Secretary

I am Atit Shah , and I’m standing for the post of General Secretary for the Asoc 2012/13.

The reason I deserve to be one is that I have always contributed to the society right from Diwali to the ongoing Diversity Week. I even tried out for the Asoc Football team. I have done all this because it makes me feel good to be a part of something, and this has always been for my people (Asian).

As per Farrukh's definition of a General Secretary – ‘A General Secretary is someone who can manage Internal and External affairs well’ - and I think I possess the managerial and social qualities to hold this post and make sure both people within the committee and the members are satisfied and up to date with what is going on.

I will give my best to this position and will try to uphold and exceed the efforts and expectations of previous and future members of the society.

3.      Name: Shahab Rafiq
Position: Treasurer
My name is Shahab Rafiq Ahmed and I will be running for the post of treasurer. I will assume that most of you do not know me very well so just a little bit about my background.
Before coming to Exeter, I completed my O and A levels from Pakistan during which time I captained my high school football team. I also had the honour of representing the Pakistan Under-18 Football Team and have won several goalkeeping awards for my performances on the field. I helped organize several successful events around campus and was elected as a Prefect in my final year of A levels as well. I am a very organized person who likes to work in an efficient way because I know that my work will affect the work of others. 
At Exeter, I am currently the Sports Coordinator of the Asian Society Football Team and assisting in the organization of Diversity Week Football Tournament. This has given me the opportunity to work closely with members of the current committee and develop an understanding of what is and will be required of me.
If elected as treasurer of the Asian Society I will:
·         Ensure that the funds of the society and its members are managed efficiently

·         Practice meticulous bookkeeping (which already comes with the role of sports coordinator)

·         Work closely with the committee

·         Support the committee when and where it needs me

·         Bring new ideas pertaining to organizing events
I am a very friendly and cooperative person. If given the opportunity to work alongside the committee, I can ensure that the Asian Society members get the most out of their experiences in Exeter. I cherish the opportunity to become the voice of a society growing in numbers every year.

Social Secretary Manifestos

1.      Name: Anisha Mathur
Position: Social Secretary
I am running for the position of Social Secretary. I feel that this is the most accurate position for me to run for, because its roles seem to match my personality and characteristics the best. I’m an approachable, friendly, and hard-working person, who will go to lengths to deliver what I’ve signed up to do. According to me, I’m easy to talk to, and do tend to strike up conversation with people with little effort, thus fulfilling the ‘social’ criteria.

I understand how much time and effort will take place to help lead one of the growing societies in our university, but having worked with the Asian Society for the past 4 months, I think that I will greatly enjoy helping out with the planning and organizing of events. I’m creative and organized, and when it comes to planning a night out or a big event, I feel that it just comes naturally to me.
Finally, I’m in my first year right now, and know how it is like coming to university from an entirely different country, and feel that this personal experience will allow me to create the fun, and friendly environment needed by next years’ freshers, along with all of us as well. I hope that you all are convinced that I’m a suitable candidate for this position, and will help me provide you with the events YOU want from your Asian Society.
2.     Name: Kabir Munjal
Position: Social Secretary
I am Kabir Munjal and I am standing for the position of Social Secretary for the ASoc 2012/13.

I am standing for the elections for the simple reason that I want to be part of something that can make a difference to students while they’re at University, whether it be through parties or through trips around the country. Since I have been exposed to Asians more than people from other countries, I think I have a good understanding of their tastes and preferences thus it will be easier for me to help organizing activities that will suit them.

As explained by last year’s committee members, a Social Secretary is someone like a Marketing Manager. And I believe I am a dedicated and creative person who will reach out and help the Asoc become a more well-known and popular society. Being an INTO student, I will try to improve on the number of South East Asian members so as to make Asoc a more multi -cultural society. May it be from making flyers to sign-ups, I am willing to contribute to the society in any way required.

3.      Name: Jinay Savla
Position: Social Secretary

 Belonging to a country that has been rich in cultural and social events, I have always been keen in knowing people hailing from different countries and understanding their cultures. Oh yes, the country is India.

Being an extrovert, I love meeting people and arranging social events. I have been an active member for three years in a medical camp that is held in India (Gujarat), whereby I had to communicate with the residents, make them aware of their health problems, and interact with doctors and the management team to set up various medical camps. Being a part of the marketing team that was in charge of organising my college festival, Kshitij, I had to meet college students all over the city and introduce them to our college festival, whilst also interacting with company managers, shopkeepers, NGOs etc. to seek sponsorship.

I have worked with my father for nearly three years, which gave me the opportunity to interact with different personalities, handle clients and suppliers, manage team meetings, learn leadership qualities, and develop self-confidence. Therefore, I see myself well placed in the role of leading the social group.

I would like to take this as an opportunity to bring a change to our university and add value to the student life. I would also want to make students realise that there is something more than mere academics in life that helps in polishing our personality, thus developing an interest amongst students in social activities conducted by our university.

As far as I know myself, I am dedicated and committed to my work. I look forward to take up this role and give it my best.

4.      Name: Anushka Shah
Position: Social Secretary

Hi, my name is Anushka Shah and I am a second year student studying Business and Management. I am running for the position of Social Secretary for Asian Society.
I am an active member of the society and I have a good understanding of how it functions. I believe that our days as University students go on to become a few of the best days of our lives. And if elected as Social Secretary, I will do my best to enrich this experience and ensure that your time in University is truly memorable. As a student, I know we are all just looking to have a good time and that is exactly my plan: to keep things fun and simple. Having worked for the society, I am extremely enthusiastic and motivated to take on a more active role. I believe that my approachable and hardworking nature make me a good candidate for this position.

Publicity Officer Manifestos

1.      Name: Apeksha Agarwal
Position: Publicity Officer
Making this very brief and easy to remember– My name is Apeksha Agarwal and I’m running for the position of the Publicity Officer.
I am from Kodaikanal International School, the oldest IB International School in India. Foreigner students often find it difficult to settle down in university due to many reasons. However, I overcame such hurdles instantly due to the exposure I had in school. Two crucial years of my life were shaped amidst a global society where people from various nationalities lived on one spectacular campus. I have sailed through the mutual barriers you might be facing today due to these factors. This is my second year at Exeter University and my confidence has only escalated with time. A tennis aficionado, I captain the ladies’ tennis team at the university. Our community has been growing at the university and we warmly welcome all those who wish to be a part of it.
We all share a common culture, a rich culture consisting of various events which we all celebrate back home. We need to keep this spirit alive and for that I have a few suggestions:
·         Although we welcome one and all to be a part of our events, members will be offered special schemes and offers.
·         Maintain an up to date social network thereby keeping everyone informed of upcoming events via facebook and on print as well.
·         We all share an enthusiasm for other cultures as well; I’ll be working to establish connections and partnerships with local clubs, eating joints and other popular places to avail special offers and schemes for our community members.
These are the best years of our lives and I endeavour to further highlight these good times for our ever growing community. Let the world know that Asia has arrived and with it brings a diverse culture and a global mindset.
2.      Name: Neha Bindal
Position: Publicity Officer
My name is Neha Bindal and I would like to run for the position of Publicity Officer.
I know I will be good for this job because I have participated in every Asian Society event till now and have been an active part of the society. We were told that in order to be a Publicity Officer, one has to be creative, social and innovative. I think I have all these qualities. I learned art for about seven years so I can bring new ideas for developing our campaign. I have also learned Kathak along with jazz and Indian bollywood dancing for about four years. I have been a Treasurer before so I know what it takes to organise an event. I was also the Prefect of my school.
What I have learnt in my time, as a member of Asoc, is that, ‘we win together and lose together and of course losing is not an option’. Kidding. I believe in teamwork and once a job has been given to me I try to complete it with full dedication and commitment.
As Virgil rightly said, ‘They can because they think they can’ and I know I can.
3.      Name: Esha Kayan
Position: Publicity Officer
Being a part of the Asian Society committee will be an absolute honour for me. Writing this manifesto actually got me thinking why I want to become a part of this wonderful committee. Is it because of the present committee members, who have helped not only me but also many others to comfortably settle down in the university? Or just wanting a post in the committee will help me communicate with other people, make new friends and discover who I actually am and what I am capable of?
Honestly speaking, all of the above are true and there are many more reasons other than these why I am seeking the post of a publicity officer. I want to– actually I hope to – become a part of the Asian Society committee because it’s not a society, but rather a group of close friends. Working with close friends has always been delightful. This is a platform which will not only help me build good relations with people but will also help me discover what I am actually capable of doing.
From my past experiences of being a house captain in my school days, I have noticed this talent in me of organizing events and reaching out to the public to try and make a difference in the community. I have seen the current committee put in all the hard work in improving the Asian Society and their determination makes me want to go the extra mile. I hope my efforts and hard work make a difference in the committee as well as the society.
4.      Name: Radhika Sethia
Position: Publicity Officer
Being an Indian I have a strong passion towards India and the Asian Society in Exeter. I have grown up in London which made me realise how much the Indian culture has to offer on a global platform. My ambition is to scatter our rich culture across the world and I would like to start by being part of the Asian society.
As a student, having spent two years in Exeter now, I am aware of the needs and emotions one has to battle in order to stay away from home. Exeter is a home away from home and the Asian Society helps in making a student feel comfortable and aids in creating lifelong bonds and developing friendships between people from versatile backgrounds. I am keen to run for the position of Publicity Officer in this society as I’m studying marketing and management which has given me a broad outlook on how important it is for any event to be well publicised for it to be a success. This course provides the fundamental skills required to take on this responsibility.
Prior to university, I have participated in many prestigious events such as Harvard Model Congress in Bangkok, where I was awarded Best Delegate. Taking part in this global conference gave me the exposure and taught me how to deal with people from different countries. At the end of the conference, we had to come up with a common resolution and in order to make it pass we had to convince people to vote for our resolution. This taught me how to persuade people and work as a team. Being head of commercial projects for SIFE has given me the leadership skills a society strongly needs. Therefore, I feel I can do justice to such a position as I have the skills needed. I hope my input to this society excels the society in a positive way.
5.      Name: Nafeesah Younis
Publicity Officer
In my second year, I have gained a lot of experience in being a part of a committee through my role as 'Events Organiser' in the Islamic Society. This has enabled me to get both a taste of committee life, including all of the responsibilities it entails, and improve my understanding regarding the processes involved in marketing an event.
Though the end product normally appears flawless, I am now fully aware that the work and the stress that goes into organising an event requires the utmost attention and is far from easy. In order to market events, it is essential to be confident and able to approach strangers. This is a skill I have perfected as my role has necessitated that I interact with members of other societies and encourage them to attend events. Also, during the rapid hustle and bustle of fresher's week, I volunteered to help with the marketing – an experience which was very intense yet very rewarding.
Already I have many strong links with various societies, both members and committee members, so if I became publicity officer I would not be starting from scratch. Rather, I have already built the foundations and made myself known to the university community. My links with committees from other universities and the general Exeter public are also strong, whereby I am currently in contact with both Cornwall and Plymouth societies. It is also necessary for a publicity officer to have an eye for colour and design, whereby he/she will be responsible for the designing of posters that will appeal to the general public. Throughout my year on the Isoc, I have been closely involved in the editing process for our posters as I have often been the point of call for the publicity officer before anything has been released to the general public.